Alberner Tross

Student council Math|Physics|Computer science

University Election

Each year the Bayreuth Festival takes place. The elections at the University of Bayreuth take place in the same way.

What this university election is exactly, i.e. who you can elect to which committees, what you have to do for it and finally how voting can also make your studies more pleasant, you can find out on this page. You can find a short summary in the form of our presentation here.

Which committees are elected and how do they benefit me?

The Faculty Council

Each faculty has one of them. It is managed by their own dean's office.

It is composed as follows

  • Dean
  • Vice Deans
  • Dean of Studies
  • 6 Representative of the university teachers
  • 2 scientific staff
  • 1 other employee
  • the women's representative
  • 2 Student representatives

This is where we come in, because you can vote for these two representatives. To do this, we (the student council) submit a list every year, from which the two people with the most votes are then elected to the Faculty Council.

But even those who are otherwise on the list are not there for no reason, because all of them will form the student council next year. They help with the freshman support, organize the university cinema, or take care of the organization of events such as parties or the faculty festival.

Why is your voice so important to us? In the faculty council, all things are decided that concretely influence many areas of your studies. For example, the examination regulations, the distribution of financial resources, or indirectly the appointment of new professors. For all these important topics it is essential that a student opinion is represented. In order to be able to do this with the appropriate support, your support through diligent voting is necessary. After all, we want to represent as many students as possible.

The Senate

The Senate of the Uni is composed of:

  • 5 Representative of the university teachers
  • 2 scientific staff
  • 1 other employee
  • 3 Students
  • the women's representative
  • the deans of the faculties
  • President as chair (without voting rights)

The Senate passes legislation on research and promotion and equality issues, determines research priorities, decides on proposals for the establishment and abolition of courses of study, and takes a position on the appointment of professors.

The University Council

The University Council is composed of:

  • 4 Representative of the university teachers
  • 1 scientific staff
  • 2 Students
  • 7 Individuals (*)

(*) from science, culture, business and professional practice (non-university members)

It decides on the basic regulations of the university and their amendments, elects or removes the president and other members of the university management, appoints the chancellor according to the proposals of the university management, also decides on the development plan, the structure of the faculties, the establishment and abolition of study programs and takes a position on various issues concerning the university.

The Student Parliament (in short StuPa)

The StuPa is your inter-faculty student representation at the university and stands up for the interests of the students, for example before the administration. Furthermore, the StuPa organizes all kinds of events, such as the UniOpenAir, a festival here at the university, or the climate week. The StuPa also appoints representatives to all kinds of other university-wide committees that deal with issues such as the semester ticket or the renovation of the cafeteria.

The StuPa consists of 14 student representatives (two per student council) and 20 members from the university groups. From the ranks of the StuPa, the student members of the Senate and the University Council are elected by the StuPa.

Whom can I vote for now?

Faculty Council

We (the student council) have established a list for the Faculty Council under the name "Alberner Tross".

It looks like the following:

  1. Martin Treutterer
  2. Michael Ziegler
  3. Isabel Hirschmann
  4. Scarlett Rasa
  5. Antonia Richthammer
  6. Paul Czerwik
  7. Moritz Quindt
  8. Yannick Schieder
  9. Natascha May
  10. Jana Zanter
  11. Wilhelm Groba
  12. Christian Zanter
  13. Ghofrane Kamoun

You will have 2 votes (As many as there are student representatives on the faculty council) for the Faculty Council election. You can either split those two votes between whomever you particularly like, give both votes to a single random person on the list, or just check off the entire list above. This is equivalent to voting for the first two people.

Who do we recommend to choose? In fact, simply people who are high up on the list, if possible. We have specially created the list so that those who want a position are also the ones who are farthest up. For this reason, Martin Treutterer and Michael Ziegler are at the top, because they both want to be on the Faculty Council. On the places after that are all the ones who should best be confirmed by the election as well, since they want to take care of the finances (and thus have to deal with "official" money) or represent the Student Council in the StuPa. In a nutshell: If you don't know who to vote for: Simply check the "Alberner Tross" list instead of ticking off specific people.

Student Parliament

Since the student parliament is university-wide, you can vote for the candidates of the university groups there. These are associations of students interested in university politics, usually leaning towards one or another general political party. They typically publish election programs and then compete for seats on the various committees. You can find information about this on, for example on the webpage of the Uni, and links to the individual groups here on our website. Again, this applies to every election: You have as many votes to cast as there are seats to be filled. That means 20. You can also vote for people from different (Panachage) lists (=of different university groups) and also give several votes (up to three) to one person (Accumulation). You can find the exact conditions directly on the ballot paper.

How can i vote?

The election will take place on June 12, 2023 in presence at the University of Bayreuth. If you are eligible to vote at the Faculty MPI, you can cast your vote in the S80. The election office is open from 9 am to 6 pm. To motivate you, we will bake waffles with powdered sugar for all voters. We will also be serving free coffee!

What else remains: If you have any questions regarding the election, we are happy to help. You can find our contact details here.

Otherwise, all that remains for us to say is: Go vote! You help us and with it also yourselves! We are looking forward to a high voter turnout!