Alberner Tross

Student council Math|Physics|Computer science

Uni cinema

In addition to the general student council work, the student council MPI has been organizing the Uni-Cinema at the University of Bayreuth since 1992. There we show you during the classical lecture period, every second tuesday a film in the H17 and H18.

The lecture halls normally associated with quite dry and mathematical material are transformed into real movie theaters thanks to beamers and large sound systems! At the same time we also offer various snacks and drinks. In cooperation with the FS-Kuwi we can even offer popcorn for the perfect cinema feeling from time to time.

In past semesters, the films shown have always been co-directed by students at the university and are rounded out by preceding short films.

And you can experience all this for the small fee of 3€!

But even this expense contribution is waived for our summer and christmas specials! During these specials we also offer mulled wine (winter) or cocktails (summer). The Summer Special is also in the courtyard of the NW2 building, therefore OPEN AIR!

The dates for this semester are:

30.04./ 14.05./ 28.05./ 11.06./ 25.06./ 09.07./

Unfortunately, due to legal constraints, we can only publish the specific program internally within the campus. For this you have to be in the network of the Uni-Bayreuth. I.e. either in Eduroam or via the proxy of the University of Bayreuth. You can find instructions regarding this here.