Alberner Tross

Student council Math|Physics|Computer science

Welcome to the homepage of the Student council
Math|Physics|Computer science

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The "Fachschaft" (Student council)

What is the Fachschaft?

The Fachschaft is understood to be three different things: First of all the Fachschaft is the entirety of the students of a faculty. Every year during the university elections those students are electing a student representation of up to seven members. This elected student representation froms a group together with equally ranked voluntary helpers which are called Fachschaft as well. In our case it's the student council Math/Physics/Computer Science. The third meaning of the word "Fachschaft" is as an abbrevation for the "Fachschaftsbüro" (student council office) which you can find in the NW2 building adjacent to the H20.

Who is the Fachschaft?

In the first place we're also just students which have a honorary office alongside our studies. Here you can see the current student council members.

In addition we're getting supported by countless former student council members and friends of the student council. But we would still appreciate any voluntary help we get!

What is the Fachschaft doing?

According to our Mission (BayHSchG,Art.52Abs.4,5,6) we take care of the representation regarding the professional, economic and social interests of students of the faculty as well as the promotion of cognitive, artistic and athletic interests of students. That means we're apart from our representation in the student parliament and faculty council also invested in several events for freshmen (see: Here). So in a normal case we're offering multiple grilling evenings, pub crawls and cocktail courses and we're even driving with some brave freshman on a weekend together. Apart from the care for freshman we're organizing the NW2-Party every year whereby the NW2 foyer turns into a dancefloor and freshly tranied cocktail shaker are able to prove their skills. Furthermore we're offering you a uni-cinema every two weeks during the semester whereby we're turning the lecture halls H18 and H17 into a cinema for you and in general we're somewhat involved in many different actions around the campus. What do we have to offer for you? Besides of the events that we're organizing we're offering you a general place to go. No matter if you have a problem with your studies, want to drink coffee or beer, eat a snack or just want to have a casual conversation, you're at the right place with us! If you also want to get yourself involved we can offer you a almost flat share like feeling just that our living room is on the campus with no common shower and there is an uncountable amount of people going in and out every day out of the pandemic.